"If all misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart."
Greek philosopher

This quote got me thinking about how my misfortunes are much less than so many others and even if the day has me down, I am still way low on the amount of misfortune I bring to the heap. Just saying. I am grateful. Of course this quote could ALSO be a criticism about how generally selfish people are and not wanting to 'share the load' with those less fortunate... Something to think about.

I'll get back to code and tech posts soon enough. Still a ton of work to do on Android's Doodle Army Boot Camp, and ramping up on another round of server fixes for Doodle Army 2. Windows 8 is hovering in the back too. That was too much work to just abandon it... too much... but the cocos2d template needs a lot of work still too.



Why do we call it 'X'. Well because it is our cross platform version. We are heading into testing with Android this week? (I am small part of that project, so I am looking over my shoulder to get confirmation, yes... Chad is nodding that is what he *wants* to do. Ok that is properly caveated. We have the Windows 8 Win32 version working quite well and passing the WACK too! That leaves 64 bit and ARM to be worked out, it is rather non-trivial though. You Surface users will NOT be left behind. I am doing this for you. I really need to get off my desktop and get one I guess. The simulator only goes so far (i.e., Win32/x64)

We are using cocos2d-x to port the existing HD version of the original game over to  the new platforms. There is no reason we have to stop there. We have almost gotten over the tipping point effort wise.

For people looking for help, look me up. I simply have no time to put stuff out right now. I may change my mind if a lot of people want help. Let me throw some search terms out there:
Windows 8
CC_PLATFORM_WIN8_METRO (which I have renamed CC_PLATFORM_WIN8_STORE for accuracy reasons. Metro is not a template type (anymore))
Chipmunk (yes I have gotten chipmunk to compile and run in windows store project. I know the settings. Seriously I will write and share about this, but don't wait. just ping me if you never found it. If anything it will force me to post once, and share if a lot of people are looking for it. There is no reason *everyone* should suffer. I make a good martyr eh! ;)

I have taken the last two weeks as vacation from my day job to just bunker down on this porting and Windows 8 problem for Appsomniacs. The cocos2d template was not v2 (API) so I bit the bullet and made it support that API for the calls we used. A complete update is a bridge to far and I don't trust my C++ 100% yet. It doesn't mean I won't share what I got, in a pinch I'll just send it to you, but eventually I will add it to the official project fork I made. 

Happy super duper holidays. Remember to hug your kids and loved ones. Enjoy the moments and let the less fun parts of life just sit in darkness for a while. The new year will be upon us and we can start to tackle all our open issues with renewed vigor once we take a moment to remember what we are fighting and striving to promote, protect, etc. Am I calling for a holiday cease fire? I guess I am. It has been a really hard week to work on violent games. Really hard. Especially with kids involved. Some of you guys may never get that, that's something you will get with time. An appreciation of life in general comes with time (on average I think that is true.)

For the few that actually read this. Thanks for watching, and see you next update.




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